Labels: text | machine | screenshot OCR: EN ROUTE FOR MARS Mars 2 and 3 (cont.) VIKING 1 AND 2 Launched from Baikonur on May 19, 1971, Mars 2's trajectory was corrected three times, and on November 27 the landing module was jettisoned. It reached the Martian surface, but radio contact was never established. (The module undoubtedly crashed.) Nonetheless, the orbital module continued on its path and carried out a systematic study of the planet. The end of the Mars 3 Lander Mariner 9 Two days after the Soviets launched Mars 3, the Americans launched the Mariner 9 probe on May 30, 1971. On October 31, the probe went into an uncontrolled spin. This malfunction was undoubtedly due to a meteorite impact, but did not endanger the rest of the mission. On November 14, Mariner 9 was placed in a Mars orbit, described in 12 hours and 34 minutes. After executing orbital manoeuvres, the probe spent one orbit each day gathering photos; during the next orbit, the images were transmitted back to Earth. MARS BETAT